Send your PDF resume with past experience, contact information, and references to our email.  You may also stop in to apply in person

Lead Powder Coater 

This is a very important and highly independent position in the company that performs and oversees the proper washing, prepping, spraying and baking of various powder coat projects including railings, canopies, vehicle parts, and all products for our sister company Steel Ops Ltd.  Applicants should be self motivated, organized, and have a strong attention to detail. To apply, use the Contact Us tab or stop in to fill out an application. 


The heart of any fab shop is its fabricators.  With our wide range of projects you'll rarely make the same thing twice.  Whether its custom projects, structural steel, curved stairs, or equipment repair, there's always something new coming through the door.  Applicants should have basic welding knowledge, be able to MiG and/or TiG, have excellent general skills like grinding and reading a tape measure, and be ready to learn.  To apply, use the Contact Us tab or stop in to fill out an application. 

JOIN OUR TEAM!  We're always accepting applications for the following Positions:

Tel: 970.215.6969

67 NW Frontage Rd, Fort COLLINS, CO 80524

Tel: 970.215.6969

67 NW Frontage Rd, Fort COllins, CO 80524


With one of the more exciting roles in the company, installers ensure that structural steel, rails, canopies, stairs, and miscellaneous metal projects are properly erected to plan.  Applicants must be knowledgable, physically fit, and a little tough to handle Colorado weather.  The satisfaction, advancement opportunity, and job security of this position is tough to beat though.  To apply, use the Contact Us tab or stop in to fill out an application.